IN-PERSON training

Are you tired of boring lectures - and do you want to attend a training where you will feel more than just your butt and legs getting restless... Then our expeditions are waiting for you! Our trainers (guides) pledge not to rapid-fire slides dense with content, nor will they bore you by lecturing.

Our in-person trainings add a whole new dimension to learning. We even call it 4D or multi-sensory training. It's a real experience - and that's how we learn best. We learn by doing - being active and playful.

Although these sessions are highly engaging, we make sure everyone is comfortable stepping outside their comfort zones. We take our time - so you can get it right.

Our trainers are not lecture-sauruses. Instead they stick mostly to the back of the room - giving you space to explore material and share stories of triumphs and trials, ambitions and apprehensions. We explore concepts through interactive play. Bonds are formed creating a network of support that extends long after the expeditions end.

The training is facilitated in small slices called plays. We'll keep you fresh and energized. There are plenty of breaks, some no longer than a funny cat video, some longer than a giraffe's neck (not really, but you get the picture).

There will be movement too - a lot, in fact - to keep your oxygen and blood flowing through your brain instead of your derriere. We'll keep your senses engaged, making the training more meaningful and memorable.

Our guides are proficient in adapting the training so that everyone can get the most out of it. Maybe your are introvert, neuro-divergent, and a wonderful weirdo like me... our guides will help you be at ease, engaging you in a way that makes sense for you.

So come tickle your neurons and tango your toes on our physical expeditions.

Check out more photos.


Most of our in-person expeditions take place at Xebia, located in Amsterdam and Hilversum, the Netherlands. I said most, because we may just take you somewhere else entirely. We also have outdoor expeditions, but more on that later.

You will be received by our hospitality team - and then we will escort you to the training area.

Lunch is included and we take into account your dietary wishes.

Your guide will equip you for the expedition, so all you need to bring are your positive vibes. For example, we will provide you with a travel journal - where you will record your learnings, and a backpack to store all the treasures you collect.

For the expedition to enjoy a flying start we need participants to arrive on time. If you are delayed in traffic, please inform the guide timely.

To create a space where we can all be our true courageous selves, we have some guidelines.
Our in-person training are mostly international, so please respect different worldviews. With respect, you may disagree with me (and each other). Naturally, we are not here to argue politics or religion.

We are all unique - and you may have specific needs or limitations. Please be open and allow us to help you during the training. Please share them with your guide. This way they can provide the best experience for you. We adapt our training to be considerate of neuro-diversity.

Psychological Safety is very important to us. We hope you have the time to read this journal entry.


Mostly, our expeditions are metaphorical in comfortably indoors. But we have some exclusive outdoor adventures for those who are ready to take their journey to a whole new level.

The ultimate R2M experience is the guided Tour du Mont Blanc - an epic self-transcending  12(!) day, 170 KM trail (106 miles) with steep climbs and descents. During this tour, your group will experience plays from the R2M in a really unique way. You will practice coaching, authentic leadership and facilitation - while being literally on the road together.

This, my fellow travelers, is the equivalent of choosing 'hard mode'. Therefore these expeditions require a bit more prep. It requires a great deal of courage and commitment. You need to be in good physical and mental shape - once you sign up, your guide will help you achieve just that. We are guides not just during the expeditions, but also between them. We're your coaches, cheerleaders, and personal meteorologists for the storms of self-doubt that you'll weather.

But once you complete them - having transcended yourself - you can proudly shake the sand from your shoes.

Stay free. Stay wild. True you.

(We also offer virtual expeditions)