Welcome to the Road to MasteryTM

Let's get on the same page on how we support each other in our learning journey.
As you join this platform, you're becoming a cherished member of a vibrant community of fellow explorers.

Our terms of service are the foundation of a safe, welcoming haven for your passion for learning and growth. Join hands with us as we create a community of trust, respect, and boundless possibility.

Oh, by Us and Our I technically mean AGNC, a proprietorship by Sjoerd Nijland (that's me) and my associates. I'm the creator of the Road to MasteryTM.

Upon registration, you agree...

...to embrace diversity.
This platform will consist of international participants. Respecting diversity is paramount. Disrespecting another member or discriminating against members based on any perceived differences, including but not limited to differences in culture, race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and physical ability, will not be tolerated.

While we welcome the exchange of different viewpoints to increase knowledge and understanding; mutual respect is key.

We are not here to argue about ethnicity, politics, religion, or culture. ‌

We reserve the right to terminate your membership at any time we believe participation is harmful to the (psychological) safety of other members.

...you are a professional practitioner.
Your position offers you opportunities to put your learnings into practice. You are open to sharing your work experiences with peers. You exhibit professionalism in your work and training.

...to participate actively and support other members.
During the expeditions (training sessions) you agree to participate actively. That involves turning on your camera, contributed to giving your input respectfully and keeping your attention with the sessions.

For a training to be valuable, members rely on input from other participants. Participants often pair up and need to collaborate on assignments. When a participant is not responsive, that devalues the training for other participants.

Therefore, when you need to step away during a session you agree to inform your group and guide if possible.

A guide may remove participants from a session when their (in)activity is considered disruptive to the session. This may be the case if members are not focused on the training (for example doing other work) or if members are not responding or not engaging in activities.

...that you are an adult of legal age.
Our platform is not intended for children under 18 years of age. If you are under 18, do not provide any Personal Data to us, including your name, email address, or any photo. If you already have, please inform us by contacting us (see contact details below).

If we learn we have collected or received Personal Data from a child under 18 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information and terminate the service immediately.

...to not share sensitive information shared in the sessions.
Video and audio from the sessions will not (and may not) be recorded. You agree not to record anything in the sessions. You will not publish anything that is shared in confidence during the session.

Participants need to feel comfortable sharing information in a safe setting, knowing it will not be taken out of context or in other ways be exposed beyond the training sessions (expeditions).

The group may choose to record information for the purposes of the training through tools such a Miro.
Information may not be shared with others beyond the training group unless otherwise agreed with the guide.

...your following personal details being published:
Your name, profile picture and LinkedIn profile will be shown on your public profile page (passport page) as well as the sessions you signed up for (visible to other members) as long as your account exists. Your personal name, email, profile picture, LinkedIn profile URL will be stored with us for as long as your account exists. Additional details we may publish are your testimonial and completed expeditions. The guides of the expeditions will see your e-mail address.

Your personal information will be removed when you cancel your registration.

By using this platform you are agreeing to our privacy policy.

...that registration, attendance and participation is your own accountability.
We will not compensate you for any costs you made, either directly or indirectly, resulting from re-scheduling, declining, or terminating your registration and subscription.

You will not be compensated if you miss a training session (expedition). You will not be compensated when you join an expedition late or leave early. Therefore, make sure to verify your calendar, check the times and timezones. Check your connection is stable and your microphone and camera works. Test Zoom and Miro before you join. Make sure you inform your guide prior to the expedition if you cannot make it to reschedule or cancel your registration.

It may be the case that, due to technical issues, unavailability of a guide, or a human error on our end that a training session (expedition) will be rescheduled. In that case, the guide will be responsible for rescheduling.

...that you may be suspended after three no-shows.
We aim to avoid individuals casually 'hogging seats'. We want to make the R2M accessible to as wide an audience as possible - to provide opportunities to anyone anywhere worldwide.

When a participant has multiple no-shows, we will personally reach out to them, explaining the impact that this has on the value of our training on other participants. If we believe such no-shows are insufficiently motivated, we may choose to suspend your journey.

...to respect Intellectual Property.
Materials available before, during, or after a training session by either us or guides and members may hold intellectual properties. You should inquire about these and request explicit permission if you aim to re-use any material made available in sessions. The intellectual properties of all materials that are made available to you before, during, or after a course remain entirely with us.

Do not distribute, re-purpose materials or otherwise offer or disseminate it without explicit permission such as a formal guide membership license.

You acknowledge that all rights and titles to the subscribed products and services, such as (training) material, and learning formats, including what is offered in our training and our Miro workspace, remain with us and that the unauthorized redistribution or dissemination online could materially and irreparably harm us. It is not permitted to commercially offer or re-purpose the materials offered through this platform and training programs.

...to not seek 'Liability for Advice' against us, guides, or other members.
Members and guides should feel safe to share their thoughts and minds to openly discuss their experiences while training, coaching and consulting each other.

The Road to Mastery is a peer-to-peer learning program facilitated by guides. You agree guides and co-members shall not be held liable, answerable, or accountable for any loss or damage resulting from the advice, consultancy, or guidance provided.

The diverse environments in which we work are complex; what may work and can be considered good advice, training, consultancy, or practice somewhere, may not have the same outcome elsewhere. Therefore, "Liability for Advice" will not be attributable for negligence, wilful default, or bad faith.

We are not liable, on the basis of the law or under the agreement, for consequential loss which you or a third party might suffer with regard to the performance of the agreement or (the use of) the courses, materials, also including loss of profits, environmental damage or intangible loss. In all events, our liability is limited to the invoiced amount. Unless the damage is caused by intention or gross negligence on our part, you will indemnify us from all claims of third parties, directly or indirectly related to the performance of the agreement, or as the case may be the courses and will compensate us for all damage that we suffer as a result of such claims.

...that we may remove individuals from our service.
We may terminate our service to those who violate our terms, conditions and values.

...that you contribute to creating a community of trust, respect, and boundless possibility.
Our mission is to explore better ways together. When you join, you are not just a consumer of a wealth of knowledge, experience and helpful materials, but you are a contributor to it. We are here to share and support each other. When you join, you sign-up for that mission.

thank you for your diligence

By agreeing and respecting these terms, you help foster an environment where everyone in our community, including yourself, can grow. That already is a big leap towards your own path to mastery.

Safe travels!